“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are ”
— Rachel Naomi Remen
“Jenn’s aroma reiki meditation truly has been transformational for me. Her voice makes me feel safe while the scents and sounds during the meditation bring me to my most relaxed state. The questions Jenn poses and the answers that come from within have really brought clarity and peace for me. I leave feeling lighter, more relaxed and more positive about what is to come and what I am capable of. No matter what I’m struggling with, I always find the answers I need. ”
— Andrea, Los Angeles
“Jenn was my first encounter with reiki healing and the experience and benefits far exceeded anything I could have ever imagined. I came to Jenn because I had been dealing with years of chronic illness that had left me feeling lost and misaligned with my true self. I went into my first session not knowing what to expect, but the minute I met Jenn I felt relaxed and at ease - her presence is pure love. Following my first session, I almost immediately felt a huge weight had been lifted off of me, my overall mental state was significantly more positive, and I felt more comfortable and confident in my skin. While working with Jenn I also faced some difficult decisions in relation to my health and her sessions helped guide me, remind me of my purpose, and make me feel confident that everything I was doing was the right decision for me. My sessions with Jenn also taught me that I don’t need to hold onto ideas or thought patterns that don’t serve me anymore and that when I’m feeling lost or my future seems unclear, I always have the answers inside me. She completely transformed my thought patterns and gave me the ability to trust in myself and what life presents to me. Since beginning my session with Jenn I have never felt more my true self and the stars have aligned in every area of my life bringing me good health, love, and professional success. I’m so grateful to have met Jenn and experienced her life changing gift.”
— Tara, Marina Del Rey, CA
“Jenn’s sessions have had a profound impact on my career, my health, and my relationship to myself. I’ll never forget unlocking my third-eye for the first time in Jenn’s class; I felt like I grew 6 inches - like I was walking on air. Living in a frequency of self-love is the most liberating and expansive feeling in the world and I thank Jenn for continuing to inspire me.”
— Michael, Los Angeles
“Jenn is a beautiful person and a profound teacher. Her meditations spark healing, compassion & genuine love. Regardless of what you’re going through, she has the ability to make you feel as though you are not alone. I love this girl & cannot swoon over her or her practices enough ”
— Jewelia, Ottawa
“Jenn is one of the most inspiring people that I am so lucky to have in my life. Ever since I met her 4 years ago, she’s encouraged me to live my best, healthiest life — spiritually, physically and mentally.
Jenn is so full of wisdom and her love and empathy for others is contagious. Whether its suggesting supplements or diet improvements, making a green juice or leading a meditation, she does it with love, practicing all she teaches in her own daily life.
I hope you may be so lucky as to have her light shine and brighten your life as well.”
“I’ve been working with Jenn for about two years now. Her energy is incredible —immediately when I’m in her presence I feel the stress and anxiety of the day reduced, and I’m ready to relax. I’ve done Reiki sessions with her as well as group and individual lead meditations - her voice leads me through intuitive journeys and receiving a better sense of myself by the end. Thank you Jenn for offering your spirit so freely, and all that you’ve done for me and your community!”
— Julie, Venice CA
“Meditation was more of an aspirational hobby than a regular commitment until I met Jenn. We connected in ways that made me feel both motivated to show up and confident in the benefits after each practice. There was a period during quarantine where I realized that I could feel the good vibes of our sessions for about six days, and on the seventh my anxiety would kick back up and I’d remember I needed to book the next. Jenn add meditation, reiki sessions and grounding mantras to my routine that brought me peace in a time of chaos — and that kept me in the practice for the first time in my life. I now mediate daily with some apps Jenn recommended with solo sessions with her sprinkled in as often as schedules allow. And I can tell you first hand, while I can’t explain how it works, it’s made all the difference.”