Inspiring People honor.

I saw myself running this company and helping others, but I didn’t see or feel any light within. It had only been months since my mother had passed and this new reality had so much weight to it. The kind of weight that makes it hard to breathe or understand the cadence of things. My therapist taught me about the ancient medicine and practice of Ayurveda, and as I brought the practice into my daily rituals, I slowly felt the light come back, and I knew this was my new path, to work as a healer.

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The Sound Of Healing

Bodies feed on sound.
Sonic waves on inner waters
Nourish every nerve.
Vibration strengthens bones.
Ecstatic undulation awaits you.
Treasure the impact on your tongue -
Kareem, Shreem, Rama, Yumm, Hreem, Laam.
Pronounce a sound out loud, then whisper softly.
Now hear with your inner ear.
Allow the resonance to enchant you within.
The sound goes on resounding, continuing of itself.
As the hum dissolves into silence,
Be nurtured 
In the tenderness of infinite space.

✨The Radiance Sutras✨ 

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Jenn Reno
Soul Food- The Bodys Ability To Heal & Repair

Last night I had a beautiful conversation with @shaktitherapy about our body’s ability to heal & repair itself when we feed it with love positive & energy. This conversation led me to share my “why” with her & it’s something I want to share with you. Why I meditate everyday & spend time in gratitude for this body of mine & everything its carried me through.

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Jenn Reno
When Breath Becomes Air

Yet the paradox is that scientific methodology is the product of human hands and thus cannot reach some permanent truth. We build scientific theories to organize and manipulate the world, to reduce phenomena into manageable units. Science is based on reproducibility and manufactured objectivity. As strong as that makes its ability to generate claims about matter and energy, it also makes scientific knowledge inapplicable to the existential, visceral nature of human life, which is unique and subjective and unpredictable.

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Jenn RenoComment

Not a day goes by that I don’t turn to essential oils for extra support. From the moment I wake up right before my first mediation of the day, to rubbing some on sore muscles & my neck after working out, to my mid-day pick me when I need a little boost of energy & a clear head, to the moment before I close my eyes for my evening slumber. The power of essential oils is incredible. They way they help us awaken, relax, heal, grieve, focus, love, breathe. It’s been a bit of an emotionally draining week for me & I find myself turning to @lavieoils Orange Essential Oil.

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Jenn Reno

I knew another surgery was inevitable as I’ve come to know my body quite well after all these years of procedures & pain. I felt sad, scared, angry & a frustration that made me tighten my fists & kick my legs in my hospital bed accompanied by a barbaric groan. It was in that time that I found a guided meditation that spoke of our body’s ability to heal & repair itself. Mantras and meanings that resonated so deeply they gave me goosebumps. I listened to it on repeat the night before my 2nd operation of the week & everyday afterwards for months. The mans voice who was helping me find some silence and stillness within was @davidjimeditation & never did I think I’d have the opportunity to talk with him in the flesh to share my story but I was given the opportunity to actually study under him through @unplugmeditation and the support of the amazing@suzeyalofschwartz✨MIND BLOWN✨

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Jenn RenoComment

This man here is doing beautiful things in the world of medicine and has become one of the most important and inspiring people on my journey of living with chronic pain.

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Jenn Reno