A little over 10 months ago I was laying in a hospital bed recovering from a pretty complicated neck operation where my brilliant neurosurgeon @drvokshoor had put me back together yet again & I was also experiencing the most intense pain from a cerebrospinal brain leak. The thing about brain leaks... they induce a pain like nothing I’ve ever experienced. They fucking suck to be blunt. I had to lay completely flat while we waited to see if the leak would repair itself & avoid another procedure. I knew another surgery was inevitable as I’ve come to know my body quite well after all these years of procedures & pain. I felt sad, scared, angry & a frustration that made me tighten my fists & kick my legs in my hospital bed accompanied by a barbaric groan. It was in that time that I found a guided meditation that spoke of our body’s ability to heal & repair itself. Mantras and meanings that resonated so deeply they gave me goosebumps. I listened to it on repeat the night before my 2nd operation of the week & everyday afterwards for months. The mans voice who was helping me find some silence and stillness within was @davidjimeditation & never did I think I’d have the opportunity to talk with him in the flesh to share my story but I was given the opportunity to actually study under him through @unplugmeditation and the support of the amazing@suzeyalofschwartz✨MIND BLOWN✨ 6 weeks- 200 hours of beautiful and heart soothing meditations and learning so much about the rich history of meditation and all its creators. What’s even more beautiful is the fact that since the first day of the program I haven’t taken a single pain killer. Not even a Tylenol. I’ve been connecting with my breath in such an intimate and healing way I didn’t know was possible. This Meditation Teacher Training created one of the biggest shifts I’ve ever experienced in this life. My hope is to get out in the world to help guide others suffering from chronic pain & everything that comes with it. To share my experience, strength & hopes for what can be achieved through cultivating a nourishing practice.

A huge tearful thank you to my fellow students for sharing your light and love the last couple months. I’m so happy to be eternally connected as we continue on our paths and look forward to see where all of you take your practice in the world. @suzeyalofschwartz@davidjimeditation... THANK YOU for creating this program and choosing us to be your first @unplugmeditationtrained students. Such an honor. Wow!! Proud student moment!! Love you so very much!! The light in me honors the light in you🔮💫✨

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